What Clients say about our work...

“We are now – 80% through the DARWIN Programme and our team´s combined efforts have already achieved the forecast annualised savings target...These improvements have been gained by the application of sound management fundamentals such as setting goals, assigning work, following up on those assignments and identifying and quantifying variances. These management skills have been reinforced with excellent behavioural training provided by you team. This training both in a workshop and on a one on one basis with management and supervisors coincides with the installation of management controls. This has led to the behavioural change that is required to ensure the perpetuation of savings and has created an environment that acts as a catalyst to continuous improvement.”

Production Services Director 
Chemical Plant UK

“We strongly believed that our company was highly organised, that our directors and managers knew how to manage their resources. However the presence of your team and its work showed us how to motivate our employees and how to create a team. The training led by your specialists allowed us to change our approach and understand the management system and effective style of management. … your company helped us optimise the number of employees in the different departments and change the company’s organisational structure.”

Chairman of the Board
Paper Mill

“The challenging objectives we formulated before the start of the project were to “enhance productivity and utilisation of equipment by 20% increase the effectiveness of technical services by 20%, and rationalize administrative procedures. Today at the end of the six- month project, we are in a position to say that these objectives have been met. Management is equipped with better instruments to plan labour productivity on site and make actual performance more transparent… we were able to reduce the costs per unit.” 

President of the Board
Dairy Producer Switzerland

“As a result of the work with the management team as well as the supervisors on the floor and installing new management systems we have, together with the DARWIN team managed to increase productivity of our machines by roughly 15% and the productivity of our employees up by 50% in several cases. In relation to the financial results- one year after the start of the project – I can say we have reached 121% of the savings promised to us after the analysis performed in our company… We are experiencing a return on investment of 140% already. 
… we recommend DARWIN to any organisation that wishes to improve its performance while at the same time enhancing the culture and commitment from people within their organisation”.

Executive Vice President

“We have implemented with your organisation a number of productivity projects in our Supermarkets and Distribution Centres.
Systems were implemented and these led to major improvements in the performance and control of the activities in our companies. This has led to major savings which are even surpassing the original projections.
Now, after several years, the value of these systems is still evident. The system is used actively and the implemented systems are regularly reviewed, and if necessary, adjusted to the changed circumstances”.

Retail chain 

“As a result of the programme our productivity and customer service levels have improved beyond the rate we could have achieved in such a short period of time.Training on the formal communication workshops and on- the-floor has been a key to the programme´s success. The management and team leaders at Manchester have benefited greatly in terms of the management skills they have developed. Also of importance has been the improved attitudes of management. Managers and team leaders are now more upbeat, confident and positive in controlling their areas.In summary I would like to say that the key to DARWINs success has been their ability to work with, win over and develop my managers and team leaders. What pleases me most is that my managers and team leaders have taken full ownership of all the systems and method changes that have been installed. This will provide us with a critical platform to progress along a path of continuous improvement”.

Managing Director
Flight Catering Operation, UK

“The financial benefits generated during the program were impressive. We got back a return on investment of 325%”.

Managing Director
Food Processing Manufacturer, Thailand

“If I were to summarize the real benefits of this project and prioritize them, the behavioural changes would outweigh the financial gains in terms of this business being able to go forward and perpetuate the bottom line results.”

Executive Director
Auto Parts Industry, Thailand

“The financial benefits generated during the program were impressive, as we have saved more than what was originally projected. More significantly, we got back almost 200% of our investment at this point in time. The behaviour changes in our people, clarity of the company’s objectives, objective performance measurements, and more proactive management are the major output of these changes.”

Electronics Industry, Thailand